Heaven Can Wait Mixtape Vol. I by
Games - Everything Is Working from Jheri Evans on Vimeo.
This track began as a video concept in which joel and i are 90s high tech corporate dads, except our cubicles are party jam stations comprised of drum machines and synths and tactical flowcharts on how to make the best possible music ever. we meet by the water cooler and i give joel a folder that saysPROGRAM A JAM on it and i point at my watch, like ‘get it done by 5 dude or my goose is cooked.’ later on joel bumps into a ~really~ fine girl in the hallway and her folders fly everywhere. she ends up taking the PROGRAM A JAM folder and he takes one that says TOP SECRET KGB STUFF on it. he takes it back to his desk and send me links to hot pics of said babe getting railed by the boss in the boiler room. we go to chilis at some point probably. the babe keeps getting hotter/more naked and is seen programming hot jams with a Jupiter 8 after-hours. We are wearing uncool jeans and corporate fleece pullovers and have salt & pepper beards. content at a job well done, we respectively drive off into the sunset in matching camrys.